Monday 21 February 2011

Nearly done

So my dress is finally taking shape! I admit I've had a couple a lot of problems, part of this is down to the pattern, as mentioned in this post one of the pattern pieces had the wrong name on it, I also find some of the instructions and diagrams too vague, maybe it's because I'm not experienced with patterns. The other thing that's caused me problems is, I fear, my lack of experience and sewing skills. It may have been too soon for me to attempt a dress, even though it states it's an easy pattern. It's the band around the bodice that I've struggled with so once I'm finished I'm going to try something a bit simpler. I have a pattern for a summery top with no band so that will be my next project. Below is a pic of my dress at the moment, I need to finish attaching the zip, fold over and sew the band around the top and sew the hem. I'm going to try to get it done tomorrow.

I pledged for Me-Made-March in my last post but there's only 8 days left until it begins and I still only have a couple of items that I can wear! I'm not giving up yet though, my problems with the dress has set me back but I've nearly finished it and once it's done I have a couple of quick refashions to do then I can start on the summery top I have planned. So as they say in those overly dramatic TV programs: I'm down but not out yet!

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